...was May 15th. My one year anniversary was on this day, but robbie and I decided to celebrate that a later weekend (more on that later) because I took a little small trip to Phoenix to be present on the day my dad got baptized. Its a day that my family and I have been waiting on for years, thou my family is going through a rough patch, this day gave me hope. Tangible evidence the Lord is working to restore my family. If the pictures are blurry its mainly because I was crying too much to hold it steady :)
My dad is on the right, nervous but excited.
a few simple words before the baptism brought tears to all of us
My beautiful sister decided to take the dip with my dad too...
what a beautiful blessing.
May 15th was a beautiful blessful and hopeful day that refueled us for the rest of our family journey.
The Lord is good.